Ordinary Christians

Ep. 7 | Emotion Around the Virus

May 06, 2020 Bob Bouwer, Ron Citlau & Derek Buikema Season 1 Episode 8
Ordinary Christians
Ep. 7 | Emotion Around the Virus
Show Notes

The  COVID-19 pandemic is a hinge event--events that change the direction of human life; our world will never be the same again. Like Pearl Harbor and 9/11, we are being shaped in ways that will take decades to understand. The current volatile shifting is an existential threat. The virus threatens our health and the health of the ones we love; it threatens our economic livelihood. We are afraid and filled with anxiety. We want to know, will everything be OK?

Join Bob, Derek and Ron as we look at the pandemic and the unhealthy ways it is causing emotional turmoil. Our goal is to give you tools to help you not just survive but thrive in the weeks and months to come.

Ordinary Christians is a production of Faith Church in Dyer, IN, a Bible-believing, outreach-oriented, multisite community of believers committed to changing the world one relationship at a time.

For questions or comments, email us at podcast@wearefaith.org.

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